Friday, December 12, 2008

Nobel Physicist and Rochester Alum to be Named Secretary of Energy

The story, from Physics Today News Picks

Steven Chu has an extensive and impressive resume, including earning his B.S. in physics at the University of Rochester in 1970.

(and he's a Missouri native)

Aside from the sweet connections I (sort of) have with him, the fact that President-elect Obama has chosen a brilliant physicist and administrator for this post is incredibly refreshing.

Obama and Science

Obama's general regard for science has become quite clear in recent weeks. You may have also seen this news item about raising the national visibility and respect for those doing basic research:

From the Washington Times

My hope is that the Obama administration reverses the apparent political trend to favor funding of development over pure research disproportionately. Andrew Revkin (added to blogroll) has been discussing this in his recent posts:

Monday, December 8, 2008

Well this is awkward.

Emily Coswell (Smith) is was a writer for NOISE, the weekly entertainment tabloid put out by the Lansing State Journal. I've hated her writing for years, but whatever... I'm sure she has an audience.

She was recently laid off, along with three other writers for NOISE, one of whom surprised me--Christian Czerwinski, probably the only good writer they employed. He was usually pretty refreshing.

Anyway, in an attempt to sort out Emily Coswell's name change, I came across her last restaurant review for NOISE, published the same week she was laid off. In the comments section, someone posted a "critical" review of the column, on Friday, December 5th.

Obviously, this person didn't realize she had been laid off, but he or she proceeds to exclaim that Emily should be furiously fired. Oh boy. btw: why so mean to her?

Oh, and Emily has started up a new blog, where she posts items such as the facts that she was fired and that she is a talented writer. She also posted the same City Pulse article I linked to and says she told the reporter to plug her blog (they didn't). I guess I'm just nicer.

UPDATE: The article to which she was referring had more information and had not been printed yet. It does link to her talent-filled blog. Here it is.

(click the image for larger version)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Great Depression? Or.... The GREATEST Depression?

I got this loaf of freakin bread for 50 cents. FIFTY CENTS. It will last me for at least a couple weeks, as I can keep it quasi-fresh in the fridge.

It's not like it's that old... and they can't GIVE this stuff away (for more than 50 cents). I'm the smart one--gearing up for what lies ahead. Cheap ass old bread. This truly is our Greatest Depression.

I should probably share this before it turns to rock. If you want some, then come to me and form a line... a bread line, if you will.

....too soon? (preemptive)

Hey dude from my high school gym class: Guess who else can't grow facial hair! Obama: "I Can't Grow Facial Hair."

Actually, come to think of it, it seems as though I can actually grow more facial hair than the President-elect. Below is a comparison of his mouth with mine last year when I grew all the hair I could, just for fun. Still, we are brothers in barrenness.